Monday, May 21, 2012

The Planning Begins!

Greeting to all my family and friends reading my blog.  Less than a week before I leave for my 5 week backpacking trip through Europe and I don't really have anything planned.  Talk about a time crunch.  As of right now, it seems as though I'll be going alone.  I'm going to spend this last week making all the preparations...

I will be leaving Cleveland, OH  on 5/27/12 to New York City, NY and flying out from NYC to London. After a bunch of cities I will fly out of Paris, France back to NYC on 7/3/12.

I plan on meeting some super awesome friends along the way.  Amy Tresenrider just happens to be in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at the same I will be there.  Hopefully Erik Nebel can meet up with me in Munich, Germany, and Megan (Sneaky Panda) Witzke will hanging out with me for almost two weeks as we trek from Switzerland to Rome.

I will try to post a blog about every city and the various escapades that occur.  The best way to contact me will be through Facebook and email.

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